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Juniors & Seniors Complete IBM Summer Internship

Juniors & Seniors Complete IBM Summer Internship
NPS Communications

Congratulations to our P-TECH juniors and seniors who finished their 6-week internship program for IBM on Friday. Norwalk Public Schools supported the group with transportation, helping them commute to IBM headquarters in Armonk, New York, Monday through Friday, working 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Students were paid for their work.

The students were split into Level 1 and Level 2 interns. Level 1 interns worked to build and hone professional skills while expanding their technical acumen via mini projects and lessons. Over the course of the internship, they worked on an internship-long project which ended with a showcase where they presented their findings.

Level 2 interns used their learnings from previous IBM internships applying their knowledge and skills acquired on real, current IBM work. Their internship ended with a showcase where they reflected on what they accomplished over the course of their internship.

  • IBM
  • P-TECH
  • P-TECH Norwalk
  • internship
  • internships
  • summer internships