Welcome Back to P-TECH 2023-2024
A message from Principal Victor Black
Dear P-TECH Families,
In just a few more weeks we will open our doors to welcome our students to another exciting and productive year. We look forward to continuing our commitment to our students to ensure that the vision and mission of P-TECH Norwalk comes to fruition.
In addition to providing our students well rounded, rigorous, magnet themed, 21st century educational experience that promotes success for all, we also work to ensure that students are learning in a safe, collaborative and respectful environment.
It is our hope that the information contained in this letter will address questions you may have and will allow our students to be prepared for the new 2023-2024 school year.
- School begins on Monday August 28th, 2023. Link to district calendar: https://www.norwalkps.org/about/district-overview/official-district-calendar
On August 18th all bus routes will be updated for parents and available on the Norwalk Public Schools’ (NPS) Transportation Page. This is accessible through our NPS Website by selecting the transportation tile on the front page. We use the WebQuery platform as well as posting routes by school.
Bus/Meal Passes
As a reminder, students should utilize their NPS orange bus passes. Any students without passes should report to the schools main office and notify a staff member. New or replacement passes will be printed within a 10-day period and sent to the school through interoffice mail.
Student Drop Off
Student drop off and pick up areas are located at the Main Office entrance of Norwalk High School. Parent drop off or pick up is not permitted on the side (School Bus Entrance) or the rear of the building.
Senior Student Driver Parking
The following items will be required to complete the Parking Registration Process:
1. Completed Parking Registration Form: Signature of a Parent/Guardian is required.
2. Copy of License & Registration (copies can be made for you at time of registration if needed). A valid driver's license is required; students with only a Learner’s Permit will not be issued a parking permit/spot.
3. A $15 Registration Fee: Cash or Check (checks must be made out to Norwalk High School with “Parking” referenced in the notes section. Proceeds will go into the Senior Class Fund after parking associated costs are covered). The fee is non-refundable and is discounted from last year due to the shortened timeline to park on campus. Forms and detailed information have been sent to families.
Note: All vehicles traveling on the school campus MUST adhere to fire lanes and traffic signs. All vehicular laws will be strictly enforced.
Parent Square Communication
Norwalk Public Schools has adopted a new communication platform, ParentSquare. The platform aims to improve timely communication between schools and families to ensure that you receive important information about your child and their success. Beyond simple communication, ParentSquare offers resources such as Forms and Permission Slips, Appointment Sign-Ups, and more. The app can also be used for school-wide and classroom communications. We encourage you to download the app and create a ParentSquare account to help strengthen the school-home pipeline.
Parent Square Training Resources:
For users who already have a registered ParentSquare account, modules and webinars to learn more about the platform and its features can be found here (https://parentsquare.zendesk.com/hc/en-us). For training courses that can be accessed without a registered ParentSquare account, please click here (https://parentsquare.talentlms.com/).
Tardy/ Attendance Policy
All students should make every attempt to be in school 100% of the time, on time. If extenuating circumstances require that a child be absent or tardy, please follow the procedures:
- Contact the school office secretary prior to 9:00am. anzalonel@norwalkps.org.
- A Parent/Guardian letter can excuse a child’s absence up to 9 days. Any absence thereafter will be considered unexcused. A parent letter requesting the absence excused may accompany your child upon their return to school or sent via your email account on file in PowerSchool.
Open End/Open Beginning
If your child does not have a class the first or last period of the day and they desire a late entry or early dismissal, a parent/guardian must complete an open beginning/end form giving your child permission to arrive late or leave early. Your child cannot remain on campus unsupervised at any time. If you are unable to provide transportation to or from school, or if you do not complete the Open Beginning/Open End Contract, your child will be placed in an elective or academic class where they will be safe, learn skills and accounted for.
Schedules will be accessible to your child via PowerSchool by the end of next week. If you need assistance setting up your PowerSchool account, please contact your child’s guidance counselor for support.
Note: Schedules can only be changed for the following reasons:
- If there is a conflict or the schedule is incorrect.
- If the schedule is incomplete or there are insufficient credits for graduation.
- As a result of a course failed in June or success full completion of a course in summer school.
If any of the above criteria is met, your child will need to schedule an appointment with their guidance counselor via e-mail. They are to attend the classes on their existing schedule until remedied, for attendance purposes.
Bell Schedule
Safety Information: SAFETY IS PRIORITY #1!
Fire Alarm: In the event that a student pulls the alarm and it is a false alarm, they will be subjected to disciplinary action. Students that set off a fire alarm due to vaping/smoking in the bathroom, will also face disciplinary action.
Leaving School Grounds/Opening Doors: Students are not permitted to leave school grounds without permission. If a student is leaving for early dismissal, the school needs to be informed by a parent/guardian, in writing/email account on file, and the child can only be dismissed to a legal guardian or emergency contact on record in PowerSchool.
Breach of Peace: Disrupting the educational experience for students within the school will result in disciplinary action. This includes being loud in the hallway, disrespecting others or creating a disturbance on school grounds.
Smoking/Vaping: Use of tobacco and drug substances is prohibited in all areas of Norwalk Public School buildings at all times. Vaping is NOT allowed or permitted on school property. Students caught vaping, smoking, or are in the presence of someone vaping will be subjected to disciplinary action.
Laptops: Freshmen students will receive their laptops on August 22, 2023 (Orientation Day). If your child is not in attendance, they will receive their laptops within the first two days of school during advisory at the start of the school day (7:30am). Upperclassmen who turned in their laptop at the end of the year will be called down to retrieve their device during the first days of school.
Lockers: Any student wishing to use a locker can do so by requesting one from the Main Office Administrative Assistant, Ms. Anzalone.
Supplies: Students should come to school on the first day with a notebook and writing utensil. Their teachers will provide more specific information on supplies once in session.
Physical Examinations: All students must have a valid physical examination and up-to-date immunization record (by grade 9).
Advisory: Advisory will meet twice monthly. Please note that the first two days of school begin with advisory @ 7:30am.
Parent Partnerships
Within the upcoming weeks, we will be organizing our Student Governance Council and Parent Teacher Organization. Parent involvement has been the bedrock of the success of the school and students. We encourage you to join our P-TECH Community by electing to participate as an official and/or participant on either committee. Meetings are held in the evening both virtually and in-person, the first Tuesday of each month.
P-TECH Network
Every Friday a brief newsletter is sent to families highlighting events, student and staff. We encourage you to view to be aware of school happenings.
Power School Access
If you do not have access to Power School please request your access ID by contacting your child’s guidance counselor. When doing so, please include your child’s first and last name and the grade they will be entering in 2023-2024 school year. Please note, Norwalk Community College (NCC) student grades will not be visible in PowerSchool. NCC uses the platform Blackboard, made accessible to your child through NCC upon registration for class. If you wish to access the platform to observe your child’s ongoing grades in their NCC course, you will need to ask your child to share the log in information with you.
Contact Information
Please feel free to reach out for any issue, concern or idea. We welcome your partnership to provide the best educational experience for your child.
Principal: Dr. Victor Black, blackv@norwalkps.org.
Assistant Principal: Mrs. Beth Furnari, furnarib@norwalkps.org.
Administrative Secretary: Ms. Lisa Anzalone, anzalonel@norwalkps.org.
Program Coordinator: Ms. Rhea Gorham, gorhamr@norwalkps.org
We look forward to partnering with you for another successful school year!
Victor Black, Ed.D.
P-TECH Norwalk
- P-TECH Norwalk
- back to school
- parking pass
- transportation